Applying for membership or paying your dues is easy:
1. For a Mail-In Application and Dues Payment by check via US MAIL simply download and print the form found in the JOIN link here. Fill it out and mail it per the instructions on the form with your check. You may also make Due Payments by credit or debit card by downloading the Application form above then pay via Zelle click here. Mail or email the form as instructed on the Application.
2. Members may update your information including a change of address, membership type, or renewal. Click UPDATE here. To pay renewals via credit or debit card using Zelle, click here.
There are three membership types: regular, associate, and life memberships.
Regular membership is open to all USS TICONDEROGA CV-CVA-CVS-14 and TICONDEROGA-class (CG-47 through CG-73) personnel having served aboard these ships. In addition, membership shall be opened to other military or civilian official passengers who served aboard these ships while underway (such as flight/air group personnel, technicians, news media, space-moon shot recovery personnel, etc.). Regular members are entitled to all rights of a member including the ability to cast a vote in the business of the association. Annual dues are $20.
Associate membership shall
be opened to relatives and friends of members who wish to participate
in the association activities. An associate member shall pay annual
dues and have all rights of a member except they may not cast a vote in the business of
the association. Annual dues are $20.
Regular and Associate membership dues are $20 per year for the calendar/fiscal year from January 1 to December 31 and must be renewed annually.
Life membership is opened to all regular or associate members. Life members shall pay a one-time membership fee based upon their age at the time of application submission. The current amounts are as follows:
29 - under .................... $1,100.00
30 - 39 ........................... $900.00
40 - 49 ........................... $700.00
50 - 59 ........................... $550.00
60 - 69 ........................... $350.00
70 and over .................... $150.00